Fill out an application in FACTS and pay the application
fee AFTER your enrollment date.
April 1, 2024: 2024-2025 Open Enrollment
Family Login -> Facts Family Portal
Login (if returning user) or Create a New Account.
The district code is “CAL-MD”
Click Application for a new student or
Enrollment/Reenrollment for a returning student
Please choose "Calvary Christian Academy Satellite
Campus and then choose the correct program
New Student Enrollment: $110
Returning Student Enrollment: $60
Fill out our quote request/payment plan signup form
April - May
After we receive your application, we will be in contact to schedule academic testing with your child. Upon completion of testing, and receiving prior academic records, the student will be admitted.
Your student will receive an acceptance letter.
Review your welcome packet and the student handbook.
Fill out and return appropriate paperwork prior to the first day of school.
Already Accepted?
Here's our 2024-2025 forms! All students MUST return completed paperwork before their first day of school. Please note that some forms require a doctor's signature.
Also needed: Birth Certificate Copy, Copy of Lead Test Results for children PreK3 - age 6. If the parents of a child have a custody agreement, this must be submitted to the office.
Other Forms